R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

dirk schumacher

15 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
anthro: Computation of the WHO Child Growth Standards (Version 1.0.1)Maintainer

2019 1
anthroplus: Computation of the WHO 2007 References for School-Age Children and Adolescents (5 to 19 Years) (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2021 0
detectseparation: Detect and Check for Separation and Infinite Maximum Likelihood Estimates (Version 0.3)Contributor

2020 3
digest: Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects (Version 0.6.37)Contributor

2003 403
encryptedRmd: Encrypt Html Reports Using 'Libsodium' (Version 0.2.1)Maintainer

2020 0
epikit: Miscellaneous Helper Tools for Epidemiologists (Version 0.1.6)Contributor

2020 0
epitrix: Small Helpers and Tricks for Epidemics Analysis (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2017 2
highs: 'HiGHS' Optimization Solver (Version 1.9.0-1)Contributor

2022 9
listcomp: List Comprehensions (Version 0.4.1)Maintainer

2020 1
ompr: Model and Solve Mixed Integer Linear Programs (Version 1.0.4)Maintainer

2017 6
ompr.roi: A Solver for 'ompr' that Uses the R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') (Version 1.0.2)Maintainer

2017 4
surveillance: Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena (Version 1.24.1)Contributor

2005 5
thankr: Find Out Who Maintains the Packages you Use (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2017 0
trendeval: Evaluate Trending Models (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
trending: Model Temporal Trends (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 1

Popular co-authors (contributions)

michaela paul(1) . kjell konis(1) . daniel sabanes bove(1) . leonhard held(1) . mark van der loo(1) . wush wu(1) . flavio finger(1) . christian lang(1) . maelle salmon(1) . dirk eddelbuettel(1) . sergey fedorov(1) . kevin ushey(1) . duncan murdoch(1) . bill denney(1) . charlie whittaker(1) . thibaut jombart(3) . jannis r.(1) . wei wei(1) . harris mcgehee(1) . floris vanderhaeghe(1) . howard burkom(1) . qiang kou(1) . julian hall(1) . thierry onkelinx(1) . kurt hornik(1) . mathias hofmann(1) . winston chang(1) . michel lang(1) . kate doyle(1) . chris muir(1) . world health organization(2) . mario frasca(1) . ivet galabova(1) . tim taylor(2) . zhian n. kamvar(2) . elaine borghi(2) . kendon bell(1) . will landau(1) . sophie reichert(1) . sebastian meyer(1) . jonathan polonsky(1) . moritz beller(1) . dmitry selivanov(1) . michael chirico(1) . giovanna gatica-domínguez(1) . ion suruceanu(1) . florian schwendinger(2) . thais correa(1) . michael hoehle(1) . simon urbanek(1) . aaron peikert(1) . antoine lucas(1) . andrás svraka(1) . dean attali(1) . kevin tappe(1) . valentin wimmer(1) . alexander spina(1) . leona gottwald(1) . viliam simko(1) . ioannis kosmidis(1) . murray stokely(1) . henrik bengtsson(1) . juliane manitz(1) . andrea riebler(1) . stefan steiner(1) . jim hester(1) . matthew de queljoe(1) . mikko virtanen(1) . tim mastny(1) . bryan lewis(1) . radford neal(1) . sebastian campbell(1) . anne cori(1) . michael feldmeier(1) . hannes muehleisen(1) . jarek tuszynski(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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