R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

friedrich leisch

21 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
archetypes: Archetypal Analysis (Version 2.2-0.1)Contributor

2008 2
ascii: Export R Objects to Several Markup Languages (Version 2.6)Contributor

2009 3
bindata: Generation of Artificial Binary Data (Version 0.9-22)Contributor

1999 14
e1071: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien (Version 1.7-16)Contributor

1999 356
exams: Automatic Generation of Exams in R (Version 2.4-1)Contributor

2008 8
flexclust: Flexible Cluster Algorithms (Version 1.4-2)Contributor

2005 21
flexmix: Flexible Mixture Modeling (Version 2.3-19)Contributor

2003 25
fracdiff: Fractionally Differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(P,d,q) Models (Version 1.5-3)Contributor

1999 25
mlbench: Machine Learning Benchmark Problems (Version 2.1-6)Contributor

1999 106
modeltools: Tools and Classes for Statistical Models (Version 0.2-23)Contributor

2005 21
mvtnorm: Multivariate Normal and t Distributions (Version 1.3-3)Contributor

2000 1111
nor1mix: Normal aka Gaussian 1-d Mixture Models (Version 1.3-3)Contributor

2003 15
ockc: Order Constrained Solutions in k-Means Clustering (Version 1.1)Contributor

2016 0
pixmap: Bitmap Images / Pixel Maps (Version 0.4-13)Contributor

2001 19
psychomix: Psychometric Mixture Models (Version 1.1-9)Contributor

2011 0
signal: Signal Processing (Version 1.8-1)Contributor

2006 86
StatDataML: Read and Write StatDataML Files (Version 1.0-27)Contributor

2000 0
strucchange: Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes (Version 1.5-4)Contributor

2001 42
strucchangeRcpp: Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes: C++ Version (Version 1.5-4-1.0.0)Contributor

2021 1
tth: TeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM (Version 4.16-0)Contributor

2012 1
WeightSVM: Subject Weighted Support Vector Machines (Version 1.7-16)Contributor

2020 3

Popular co-authors (contributions)

rob hyndman(1) . nikolaus umlauf(2) . david meyer(3) . andreas weingessel(4) . bruce hansen(2) . david hajage(1) . dominik ernst(1) . terry therneau(1) . john w. eaton(1) . paulo neis(1) . kurt hornik(7) . achim zeileis(7) . dainius masiliunas(1) . seth falcon(1) . evgenia dimitriadou(4) . martin maechler(4) . sebastian krey(2) . julius o. smith iii(1) . doug stewart(1) . florian wickelmaier(2) . chih-chung chang(2) . bettina gruen(2) . ming-hen tsai(1) . andrei mirt(1) . hannah frick(1) . manuel j. a. eugster(1) . bettina grün(1) . deepayan sarkar(1) . marius appel(1) . frederic mortier(1) . chih-chen lin(2) . ming-wei chang(1) . reto stauffer(1) . xuefei mi(1) . ian h. hutchinson(1) . tom short(1) . fabian scheipl(1) . christian kleiber(2) . erik jørgensen(1) . david billinghurst(1) . carolin strobl(1) . e. farhi(1) . roger bivand(1) . kenji sato(1) . edgar c. merkle(2) . hsuan-tien lin(1) . nicolas picard(1) . hans-werner borchers(1) . uwe ligges(1) . kai habel(1) . bill lash(1) . valderio reisen(1) . sarah schnackenberg(1) . andre carezia(1) . patrik keller(1) . frank bretz(1) . tetsuhisa miwa(1) . sebastian hoffmeister(1) . torsten hothorn(3) . chris fraley(1) . alan genz(1) . mark clements(1) . pascal dupuis(1) . sohan seth(1) . tianchen xu(1) . artur lemonte(1) . paul kienzle(1) . matti pastell(1) . bjoern bornkamp(1) . olaf mersmann(1) . jaakko ruohio(1) . niels smits(1) . chia-hua ho(1) . hsiang-fu yu(1) . mirko birbaumer(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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