R Scholar logoR Package Scholar


120 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
AmesHousing: The Ames Iowa Housing Data (Version 0.0.4)Contributor

2017 8
analogsea: Interface to 'DigitalOcean' (Version

2015 1
animint2: Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics (Version 2024.1.24)Contributor

2019 1
apache.sedona: R Interface for Apache Sedona (Version 1.6.1)Contributor

2021 0
applicable: A Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2020 2
archive: Multi-Format Archive and Compression Support (Version 1.1.8)Contributor

2021 13
babynames: US Baby Names 1880-2017 (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2014 8
bindr: Parametrized Active Bindings (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2016 2
bindrcpp: An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings (Version 0.2.3)Contributor

2016 4
blob: A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS') (Version 1.2.4)Contributor

2016 21
cleancall: C Resource Cleanup via Exit Handlers (Version 0.1.3)Contributor

2019 1
cloudml: Interface to the Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform (Version 0.6.1)Contributor

2018 1
conflicted: An Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2018 20
cubelyr: A Data Cube 'dplyr' Backend (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2020 5
cuda.ml: R Interface for the RAPIDS cuML Suite of Libraries (Version 0.3.2)Contributor

2021 0
curl: A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R (Version 5.2.2)Contributor

2014 581
DBItest: Testing DBI Backends (Version 1.8.1)Contributor

2016 10
ddplot: Create D3 Based SVG Graphics (Version 0.0.1)Contributor

2022 0
devtools: Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier (Version 2.4.5)Contributor

2011 490
dygraphs: Interface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting Library (Version

2014 41
ellipsis: Tools for Working with ... (Version 0.3.2)Contributor

2018 29
errors: Uncertainty Propagation for R Vectors (Version 0.4.2)Contributor

2017 2
feather: R Bindings to the Feather 'API' (Version 0.3.5)Contributor

2016 7
fontquiver: Set of Installed Fonts (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2016 11
forcats: Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors) (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2016 314
fpp2: Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (2nd Edition) (Version 2.5)Contributor

2017 0
fpp3: Data for "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (3rd Edition) (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2019 0
furrr: Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures (Version 0.3.1)Contributor

2018 131
gdtools: Utilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2015 6
generics: Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting (Version 0.1.3)Contributor

2018 166
ggforce: Accelerating 'ggplot2' (Version 0.4.2)Contributor

2016 106
ggfx: Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid' (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2021 2
ggplot2movies: Movies Data (Version 0.0.1)Contributor

2015 10
ggraph: An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks (Version 2.2.1)Contributor

2017 109
ggstance: Horizontal 'ggplot2' Components (Version 0.3.7)Contributor

2018 10
gitcreds: Query 'git' Credentials from 'R' (Version 0.1.2)Contributor

2020 16
gitlink: Add 'Git' Links to Your Web Based Assets (Version 0.1.3)Contributor

2019 0
googleway: Accesses Google Maps APIs to Retrieve Data and Plot Maps (Version 2.7.8)Contributor

2016 4
hipread: Read Hierarchical Fixed Width Files (Version 0.2.4)Contributor

2018 1
hms: Pretty Time of Day (Version 1.1.3)Contributor

2016 78
jquerylib: Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object (Version 0.1.4)Contributor

2020 8
keras: R Interface to 'Keras' (Version 2.15.0)Contributor

2017 75
knitrProgressBar: Provides Progress Bars in 'knitr' (Version 1.1.1)Contributor

2018 0
lazyeval: Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation (Version 0.2.2)Contributor

2014 82
lobstr: Visualize R Data Structures with Trees (Version 1.1.2)Contributor

2018 16
luz: Higher Level 'API' for 'torch' (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2021 6
madgrad: 'MADGRAD' Method for Stochastic Optimization (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2021 0
magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R (Version 2.0.3)Contributor

2014 2546
manipulate: Interactive Plots for RStudio (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2014 13
md4r: Markdown Parser Implemented using the 'MD4C' Library (Version

2024 0
meltr: Read Non-Rectangular Text Data (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2021 0
miniUI: Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens (Version

2016 112
mlflow: Interface to 'MLflow' (Version 2.14.1)Contributor

2018 1
multilevelmod: Model Wrappers for Multi-Level Models (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2022 1
nomnoml: Sassy 'UML' Diagrams (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2019 2
nycflights13: Flights that Departed NYC in 2013 (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2014 53
nycflights23: Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in 2023 (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2024 2
oskeyring: Raw System Credential Store Access from R (Version 0.1.6)Contributor

2020 1
pagedown: Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print (Version 0.20)Contributor

2019 12
pillar: Coloured Formatting for Columns (Version 1.9.0)Contributor

2017 125
pixels: Tools for Working with Image Pixels (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2017 1
plsmod: Model Wrappers for Projection Methods (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2020 0
plumbertableau: Turn 'Plumber' APIs into 'Tableau' Extensions (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2021 0
poissonreg: Model Wrappers for Poisson Regression (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2020 2
powerjoin: Extensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join Functions (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2022 0
profvis: Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code (Version 0.3.8)Contributor

2016 10
purrr: Functional Programming Tools (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2015 1954
purrrlyr: Tools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr' (Version 0.0.8)Contributor

2017 5
r2d3: Interface to 'D3' Visualizations (Version 0.2.6)Contributor

2018 12
rappdirs: Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs (Version 0.3.3)Contributor

2016 122
reactlog: Reactivity Visualizer for 'shiny' (Version 1.1.1)Contributor

2019 1
reticulate: Interface to 'Python' (Version 1.39.0)Contributor

2017 232
revealjs: R Markdown Format for 'reveal.js' Presentations (Version 0.9)Contributor

2016 3
RInno: An Installation Framework for Shiny Apps (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2017 0
RLumShiny: 'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence' (Version 0.2.3)Contributor

2015 1
RMariaDB: Database Interface and MariaDB Driver (Version 1.3.2)Contributor

2017 21
rmdshower: "R" "Markdown" Format for "shower" Presentations (Version 2.1.1)Contributor

2016 0
RMySQL: Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R (Version 0.10.28)Contributor

2000 26
roxut: Document Unit Tests Roxygen-Style (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2020 3
RPostgres: C++ Interface to PostgreSQL (Version 1.4.7)Contributor

2017 50
rsparkling: R Interface for H2O Sparkling Water (Version 0.2.19)Contributor

2017 0
RSQLite: SQLite Interface for R (Version 2.3.7)Contributor

2001 236
rstudioapi: Safely Access the RStudio API (Version 0.16.0)Contributor

2014 389
sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass') (Version 0.4.9)Contributor

2019 26
scaffolder: Scaffolding Interfaces to Packages in Other Programming Languages (Version 0.0.1)Contributor

2020 0
scrypt: Key Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt (Version 0.1.6)Contributor

2014 3
sensobol: Computation of Variance-Based Sensitivity Indices (Version 1.1.5)Contributor

2019 0
shinydashboard: Create Dashboards with 'Shiny' (Version 0.7.2)Contributor

2015 180
shinyhttr: Progress Bars for Downloads in 'shiny' Apps (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2019 0
shinymeta: Export Domain Logic from Shiny using Meta-Programming (Version

2021 1
shinythemes: Themes for Shiny (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2015 112
sift: Intelligently Peruse Data (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2021 0
skimr: Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data (Version 2.1.5)Contributor

2018 22
sloop: Helpers for 'OOP' in R (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2018 1
sortable: Drag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS' (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2019 14
sparklyr: R Interface to Apache Spark (Version 1.8.6)Contributor

2016 30
stringstatic: Dependency-Free String Operations (Version 0.1.2)Contributor

2023 0
swagger: Dynamically Generates Documentation from a 'Swagger' Compliant API (Version

2017 3
Sysrecon: Systematical Metabolic Reconstruction (Version 0.1.3)Contributor

2022 0
tabnet: Fit 'TabNet' Models for Classification and Regression (Version 0.6.0)Contributor

2021 0
tabulate: Pretty Console Output for Tables (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2022 0
tfdatasets: Interface to 'TensorFlow' Datasets (Version 2.17.0)Contributor

2018 8
tfdeploy: Deploy 'TensorFlow' Models (Version 0.6.1)Contributor

2019 0
tfestimators: Interface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators (Version 1.9.2)Contributor

2017 2
tfhub: Interface to 'TensorFlow' Hub (Version 0.8.1)Contributor

2019 1
tfio: Interface to 'TensorFlow IO' (Version 0.4.1)Contributor

2019 0
tfprobability: Interface to 'TensorFlow Probability' (Version 0.15.1)Contributor

2019 3
tfruns: Training Run Tools for 'TensorFlow' (Version 1.5.3)Contributor

2017 6
tibble: Simple Data Frames (Version 3.2.1)Contributor

2016 2311
tidyverse: Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' (Version 2.0.0)Contributor

2016 237
tidyxl: Read Untidy Excel Files (Version 1.0.10)Contributor

2017 6
torch: Tensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration (Version 0.13.0)Contributor

2020 33
torchdatasets: Ready to Use Extra Datasets for Torch (Version 0.3.1)Contributor

2021 0
torchvision: Models, Datasets and Transformations for Images (Version 0.6.0)Contributor

2020 6
torchvisionlib: Additional Operators for Image Models (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2022 0
unigd: Universal Graphics Device (Version 0.1.2)Contributor

2024 1
urlchecker: Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2021 2
usemodels: Boilerplate Code for 'Tidymodels' Analyses (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2020 0
weird: Functions and Data Sets for "That's Weird: Anomaly Detection Using R" by Rob J Hyndman (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2024 0
ymlthis: Write 'YAML' for 'R Markdown', 'bookdown', 'blogdown', and More (Version 0.1.7)Contributor

2019 3

Popular co-authors (contributions)

from rpostgresql)(1) . asvin goel(1) . antoine fabri(1) . inst/views/components/jquery-authors.txt),(1) . google inc.(3) . timothy mastny(2) . samuel macedo(1) . hadley wickham(43) . jj allaire(16) . yixuan qiu(2) . gilles pujol(1) . jan odvarko(1) . daniel falbel(18) . romain françois(1) . andy kipp(1) . hao zhu(1) . david james(2) . daniel gromer(1) . adams joseph(1) . inst/lib/jquery-authors.txt)(1) . tomasz kalinowski(8) . gregory jefferis(1) . mike bostock(4) . barret schloerke(4) . christophe regouby(3) . randall prium(1) . yuan tang(6) . florian rupprecht(1) . chris eppstein(1) . std::experimental::optional library)(1) . colin percival(1) . https://github.com/mandreyel/(1) . google corporation(1) . jim hester(6) . kevin ushey(7) . pbc(2) . kun ren(1) . toby hocking(1) . erin ledell(2) . feather developers(1) . greter marcel(1) . mitchell o'hara-wild(1) . carson sievert(4) . found at <https://github.com/tensorflow/io/graphs/contributors>),(1) . kirill müller(12) . mikkel jørgensen(1) . javier luraschi(10) . inst/www/shared/jquery-authors.txt),(1) . matt mcinerney(1) . r/log.r translated(1) . yitao li(3) . seth falcon(1) . jquery contributors (jquery library; authors listed in(3) . jun cai(1) . françois chollet(1) . jukka jylänki(1) . thomas park(1) . hope mcleod(1) . sebastian kreutzer(1) . duncan garmonsway(2) . kevin kuo(4) . https://github.com/wleepang/desktopdeployr),(1) . malcolm barrett(1) . university of minnesota(1) . gábor csárdi(7) . elin waring(1) . david zimmermann(1) . mikolaj rybinski(1) . miyuan cao(1) . brent bailey(1) . iñaki ucar(1) . lebedev konstantin ('sortablejs',(1) . rob hyndman(3) . activestate (r/appdir.r(1) . hamada s. badr(1) . tensorflow authors(1) . ryan hafen(1) . doug ashton(1) . gabor csardi(1) . dmytro perepolkin(1) . cre(3) . mikko korpela(1) . james blair(1) . vivek kumar(1) . bryan a. hanson(1) . min-zhong lu(1) . jeroen ooms(6) . henry morgan stewart(1) . daniel possenriede(1) . ihor kalnytskyi(1) . martin maechler(1) . bob jansen(1) . bill sager(1) . thomas lin pedersen(4) . dennis irorere(1) . google(3) . michael quinn(1) . analytixware(1) . mango solutions(2) . kevin decker (jsdiff library -(1) . materialize(1) . paulo barcelos(1) . scott chamberlain(1) . lionel henry(10) . leveldb authors(1) . davis vaughan(2) . jquery foundation(4) . martin moene(1) . andy zhang(1) . ardata(1) . ivan sagalaev(2) . philipp haarmeyer(1) . andrie de vries(2) . max kuhn(7) . jeffrey horner(2) . sven verweij(1) . canonical ltd(1) . joe cheng(6) . tableau(1) . natalie weizenbaum(1) . faizan khan(1) . wil davis(1) . derek burk(1) . lu wang(1) . petr shevtsov(1) . nuwani palihawadana(1) . pranav srinivas kumar(1) . https://github.com/kpdecker/jsdiff/),(1) . mifsud michael(1) . robert m flight(1) . t jake luciani(1) . edgar ruiz(1) . r core team(2) . sass open source foundation(1) . ondrej holy(1) . jonathan godfrey(1) . michal malohlava(1) . eduardo arino de la rubia(1) . trevor davis(1) . athos damiani(2) . david cooley(1) . zihao li(1) . joe grover(1) . colin rundel(1) . digitalocean(1) . mohamed el fodil ihaddaden(1) . bruno tremblay(1) . jennifer bryan(2) . scott mckenzie(1) . saikat debroy(2) . chester ismay(1) . urs tilmann wolpert(1) . claudia beleites(1) . the apache software foundation(2) . harris mcgehee(1) . https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js),(1) . madgrad original implementation authors.(1) . benoit thieurmel(1) . trifunovic nemanja(1) . inc.(1) . daniel kallin(1) . matthieu decorde(1) . krzysztof joachimiak(1) . adam hyde(1) . d3 contributors(1) . himanshu singh(1) . toph allen(1) . brent thorne(1) . r/cache.r(1) . romain lesur(1) . navdeep gill(2) . shannon ellis(1) . adobe systems incorporated(2) . peter danenberg(1) . hanjo odendaal(1) . dan kennedy(1) . tony plate(1) . mark roepke(1) . and str_split functions),(1) . marcin kalicinski(1) . r consortium(5) . simon p. couch(1) . kyle butts(1) . vaudor lise(1) . sigrid keydana(3) . http://tinythreadpp.bitsnbites.eu/)(1) . martin morgan(1) . christophe dervieux(2) . almasaeed studio(1) . bastian torges(1) . bob rudis(1) . hampton catlin(1) . greg denehy(1) . jennifer thompson(1) . cole arendt(1) . tensorflow io contributors (full list of contributors can be(1) . winston chang(8) . rick saporta(1) . hossein falaki(1) . inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jquery/authors.txt)(1) . barbara borges ribeiro(1) . jon hill(1) . stefan milton bache (original author(1) . http://dygraphs.com/),(1) . w. lee pang (desktopdeployr project at(1) . tatsuya shima(1) . romain francois(3) . chase clark(1) . eddy petrisor(1) . jonathan owen(1) . dan tenenbaum(1) . tomoaki nishiyama (code for encoding vectors into strings derived(1) . kenton russell(1) . alexander rossell hayes(1) . package),(1) . greg freedman ellis(1) . yihui xie(1) . jocelyne chen(1) . hannah frick(2) . cph(1) . william bradley(1) . richard iannone(2) . george athanasopoulos(1) . zulko(1) . shaun bowe(1) . ant financial(1) . vadim makeev(1) . victor zverovich(1) . matei zaharia(1) . sebastian fischer(1) . jakub hava(1) . andrzej krzemienski (author of included(1) . lbusett(1) . david gohel(2) . connor kirkpatrick(1) . susan vanderplas(1) . martin studer(1) . masayuki tanaka(1) . rodrigo fernandes(1) . magrittr),(1) . lukasz dziedzic(1) . june choe(1) . dirk eddelbuettel(1) . d. richard hipp(1) . jiamin hu(1) . mauricio vargas(1) . mark padgham(1) . trent mick(1) . jia yu(1) . sqlite authors(1) . r core team (the code in urltools.r adapted from the tools(1) . christoph burow(1) . jozef hajnala(1) . shanika wickramasuriya(1) . yufan fei(1) . atsushi yasumoto(1) . george douros(1) . marcus geelnard (tinythread library,(1) . sridhar ratnakumar(1) . david robinson(1) . wouter van der bijl(1) . håkon malmedal(1) . damien soukhavong(1) . https://sortablejs.github.io/sortable/)(1) . manuel eugster(1) . patrick schratz(1) . kevin ferris(1) . amelia mcnamara(1) . kent laukhuf(1) . h2o.ai(1) . bryce mecum(1) . marly gotti(1) . yuxi you(1) . egill fridgeirsson(1) . martin mitáš(1) . liam healy(1) . bryan lewis(1) . yauheni pakala(1) . from appdirs),(1) . jenny bryan(1) . feng yu(1) . hakim el hattab (reveal.js-3.2.0,(1) . eli pousson(1) . joe mistachkin(1) . gary ritchie(1) . nicholas lewin-koh(1) . longfei mao(1) . bertrand ioos(1) . apache sedona(1) . nick strayer(1) . scott brenstuhl(1) . brett robinson(1) . jquery contributors (jquery library; authors:(1) . david a. james(1) . arnald puy(1) . john macfarlane(1) . dmitriy selivanov(1) . julia lowndes(1) . smartbear software(1) . matt dancho(1) . shilin ouyang(1) . r luminescence package team(1) . xianying tan(1) . jay lee(1) . nathan willis(1) . patrick kennedy(1) . maciej szymkiewicz(1) . dan vanderkam (dygraphs library in htmlwidgets/lib,(1) . r/data.r(1) . creator of(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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