R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

stephane laurent

81 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
aceEditor: The 'Ace' Editor as a HTML Widget (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2020 0
amVennDiagram5: Interactive Venn Diagrams (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2024 0
AOV1R: Inference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random Factor (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 1
Apollonius: 2D Apollonius Graphs (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2023 0
boodist: Some Distributions from the 'Boost' Library and More (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 0
braids: The Braid Groups (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2024 0
bratteli: Deal with Bratteli Graphs (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 0
Carlson: Carlson Elliptic Integrals and Incomplete Elliptic Integrals (Version 3.0.0)Contributor

2020 2
cascadeSelect: A Cascade Select Input for 'Shiny' (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2023 0
colorsGen: Generation of Random Colors (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 5
concom: Connected Components of an Undirected Graph (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2022 0
cppcheckR: Check 'C' and 'C++' Files using 'Cppcheck' (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2022 0
cTOST: Finite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in the Univariate Framework (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2024 0
cxhull: Convex Hull (Version 0.7.4)Contributor

2018 3
cyclotomic: The Field of Cyclotomic Numbers (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2023 0
DateTimeRangePicker: A Datetime Range Picker Widget for Usage in 'Shiny' Applications (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2023 0
DT: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables' (Version 0.33)Contributor

2015 479
EigenR: Complex Matrix Algebra with 'Eigen' (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2020 2
findInFiles: Find Pattern in Files (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2020 0
findInGit: Find Pattern in Files of All Branches of a 'git' Repository (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2021 0
freewall: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'Freewall' (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2024 0
gbeta: Generalized Beta and Beta Prime Distributions (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
gfiExtremes: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Extremes (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2020 0
gfilmm: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Normal Linear Mixed Models (Version 2.0.5)Contributor

2020 0
gfilogisreg: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Binary Logistic Regression Models (Version 1.0.3)Contributor

2021 0
gfiUltra: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Regression (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2020 0
giacR: Interface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac' (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2023 0
gmpoly: Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2022 0
graph3d: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'vis-graph3d' (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2020 0
gyro: Hyperbolic Geometry (Version 1.4.0)Contributor

2022 1
html2R: Convert 'HTML' to 'R' with a 'Shiny' App (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
HypergeoMat: Hypergeometric Function of a Matrix Argument (Version 4.0.3)Contributor

2019 0
interpolation: Interpolation of Bivariate Functions (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2023 1
interpolators: Some Interpolation Methods (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2023 0
intmap: Ordered Containers with Integer Keys (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 1
jack: Jack, Zonal, Schur, and Other Symmetric Polynomials (Version 6.1.0)Contributor

2019 1
jacobi: Jacobi Theta Functions and Related Functions (Version 3.1.1)Contributor

2022 0
JSconsole: A 'RStudio' Addin to Send 'JavaScript' Code to the 'V8' Console (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
jshintr: Lint 'JavaScript' Files (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2022 0
jsonNormalize: Normalization of 'JSON' Strings (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 0
jsonStrings: Manipulation of JSON Strings (Version 2.1.1)Contributor

2021 0
jsTreeR: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'jsTree' (Version 2.6.0)Contributor

2020 1
kableExtra: Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax (Version 1.4.0)Contributor

2017 333
kantorovich: Kantorovich Distance Between Probability Measures (Version 3.2.0)Contributor

2016 1
LaplacesDemon: Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference (Version 16.1.6)Contributor

2011 41
matrixsampling: Simulations of Matrix Variate Distributions (Version 2.0.0)Contributor

2017 2
monaco: The 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML Widget (Version 0.2.2)Contributor

2020 0
multiActionButton: Multi Action Button for 'Shiny' Applications (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2022 0
NestedMenu: A Nested Menu Widget for 'Shiny' Applications (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2022 0
OwenQ: Owen Q-Function (Version 1.0.7)Contributor

2019 1
pasteAsComment: 'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a 'roxygen' Block (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2022 0
PlaneGeometry: Plane Geometry (Version 1.6.0)Contributor

2020 0
polyhedralCubature: Multiple Integration over Convex Polyhedra (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2023 0
prettifyAddins: 'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More (Version 2.6.1)Contributor

2020 0
pylintR: Lint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' Addin (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2021 0
qsplines: Quaternions Splines (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2022 0
qspray: Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients (Version 3.1.0)Contributor

2022 5
rAmCharts4: Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4' (Version 1.6.0)Contributor

2020 0
RationalMatrix: Exact Matrix Algebra for Rational Matrices (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 2
ratioOfQsprays: Fractions of Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2024 2
RCDT: Fast 2D Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2022 1
RcppColors: Color Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion (Version 0.6.0)Contributor

2022 1
reactCheckbox: Checkbox Group Input for 'Shiny' (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2023 0
resultant: Utilities for Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2024 0
Rnvd3: An Incomplete Wrapper of the 'nvd3' JavaScript Library (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2021 0
shinyChakraSlider: Combined Slider and Numeric Input for 'Shiny' (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
shinyChakraUI: A Wrapper of the 'React' Library 'Chakra UI' for 'Shiny' (Version 1.1.1)Contributor

2021 0
shinyDatetimePickers: Some Datetime Pickers for 'Shiny' (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2022 0
shinyGizmo: Custom Components for Shiny Applications (Version 0.4.2)Contributor

2022 1
shinyMergely: Compare and Merge Two Files with a 'Shiny' App (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2020 0
shinyMonacoEditor: The 'Monaco' Editor in 'Shiny' (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2020 0
shinySelect: A Wrapper of the 'react-select' Library (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2021 0
shinyToastify: Pretty Notifications for 'Shiny' (Version 2.0.0)Contributor

2021 0
shinyXYpad: XY Controller for 'Shiny' (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2022 0
sphereTessellation: Delaunay and Voronoï Tessellations on the Sphere (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2023 0
swipeR: Carousels using the 'JavaScript' Library 'Swiper' (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2022 0
symbolicQspray: Multivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in their Coefficients (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2024 1
syt: Young Tableaux (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2018 1
tessellation: Delaunay and Voronoï Tessellations (Version 2.3.0)Contributor

2022 1
thorn: 'HTMLwidgets' Displaying Some 'WebGL' Shaders (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2020 0
uniformly: Uniform Sampling (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2018 8

Popular co-authors (contributions)

stéphane laurent(80) . matthias geier(1) . jed watson(1) . james long(4) . chad engler(1) . the geometry center(2) . juriy "kangax" zaytsev(1) . guangchuang yu(1) . lionel tzatzkin(2) . terence eden(2) . boniface pereira(1) . alex kocharin(2) . daniel heck(1) . zeb zhao(2) . limon monte(2) . thomas travison(1) . library),(1) . yihui xie(2) . rodney rehm(1) . henrik singmann(1) . maximilian girlich(1) . david desandro(1) . jan hannig(1) . vladimir kharlampidi(1) . ),(4) . rob shepherd(1) . john schlinkert(3) . jquery contributors(3) . leandro vital(2) . quentin f. gronau(1) . vitaly puzrin(2) . timothy tsai(1) . segun adebayo ('chakra-ui' library(1) . ivan bozhanov(1) . david kaye(2) . bernard parisse(1) . rubylouvre(1) . microsoft corporation(2) . andres quintero(1) . minh nguyen(1) . www.jeasyui.com(1) . austin cheney(1) . fadi khadra ('react-toastify' library(1) . mihai bazon(1) . primetek informatics(1) . theta functions)(1) . bartek szopka(1) . jamie peabody(1) . sergey pimenov(1) . anthony terrien(1) . yoni sidi(1) . amit gupta(1) . eric brown(1) . george leslie-waksman(1) . tristan edwards(2) . brian salzer(1) . goran gajic ('react-icons' library(1) . david merfield(1) . statisticat(1) . avi deitcher(1) . martina hall(1) . krystian igras(1) . llc(1) . hao zhu(1) . emmanuel charpentier(1) . niels lohmann(1) . contributors(4) . clauderic demers(1) . inspired this package)(1) . c. b. barber(2) . segun adebayo ),(1) . kyle fox(1) . adam schwartz(1) . marijn haverbeke(2) . ionic(1) . richard hermanson(1) . mikael fremling (author of the original fortran code for the(1) . vedran opacic(1) . balazs komuves(1) . bill evans(1) . yeliang fan(1) . robin hankin (author of the 'spray' package(1) . scott boyle(1) . scott n. walck(1) . antanas marcelionis ('amcharts' library(1) . byron hall(1) . rich harris(2) . damian v. wandler(1) . mikko marttila(1) . pbc(1) . porinn ('react-datetime-slider-picker' library(1) . brijesh brittu(1) . renée de graeve(1) . artem amirkhanov(1) . alex pickering(1) . james hrisho(1) . novus partners(1) . jessi cisewski(1) . daniel eden(3) . greg freedman ellis(1) . adam foryś(1) . jj allaire(1) . stéphane guerrier(1) . posit software(1) . björn brala(1) . xianying tan(1) . mathew groves(1) . william holmes(1) . younes boulaguiem(1) . jakubpawlowicz.com(1) . andrei kashcha(2) . b. v. almende(1) . rob burns(2) . wojciech maj ('react-datetime-picker' library(1) . duncan murdoch(1) . dominique-laurent couturier(1) . leon gersen(1) . sprymedia limited(1) . terence eden ('supertinyicons' library(2) . luyilin(1) . johannes rauh(1) . will beasley(1) . inc.(1) . craig dennis(1) . )(1) . vis.js contributors(1) . chris andrejewski(1) . anton kovalyov(1) . scott spencer(1) . joe cheng(1) . amcharts team(1) . philip hutchison(1) . vincent arel-bundock(1) . mario heiderich(1) . other contributors ('sql-formatter'(1) . wojciech maj(1) . brian reavis(1) . george gui(1) . paul popov(1) . which strongly(1) . michael bostock(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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