R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

Jeroen Ooms

94 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
antiword: Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents (Version 1.3.3)Maintainer

2017 3
arrow: Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow' (Version

2019 66
askpass: Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2019 25
av: Working with Audio and Video in R (Version 0.9.1)Maintainer

2018 15
badgen: Fast and Simple Badge Generator (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2023 0
base64: Base64 Encoder and Decoder (Version 2.0.1)Maintainer

2011 5
bcrypt: 'Blowfish' Password Hashing Algorithm (Version 1.1)Maintainer

2015 1
blastula: Easily Send HTML Email Messages (Version 0.3.5)Contributor

2017 3
brotli: A Compression Format Optimized for the Web (Version 1.3.0)Maintainer

2015 4
cld2: Google's Compact Language Detector 2 (Version 1.2.4)Maintainer

2017 7
cld3: Google's Compact Language Detector 3 (Version 1.6.0)Maintainer

2017 3
codemeta: A Smaller 'codemetar' Package (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2021 2
codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages (Version 0.3.5)Contributor

2018 2
commonmark: High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R (Version 1.9.1)Maintainer

2015 21
covr: Test Coverage for Packages (Version 3.6.4)Contributor

2015 2350
credentials: Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials (Version 2.0.1)Maintainer

2019 3
curl: A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R (Version 5.2.2)Maintainer

2014 581
evaluate: Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default (Version 0.24.0)Contributor

2010 23
fasterize: Fast Polygon to Raster Conversion (Version 1.0.5)Contributor

2018 9
fluidsynth: Read and Play Digital Music (MIDI) (Version 1.0.1)Maintainer

2024 0
gdalcubes: Earth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections (Version 0.7.0)Contributor

2019 3
gdtools: Utilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2015 6
geojson: Classes for 'GeoJSON' (Version 0.3.5)Contributor

2016 2
gert: Simple Git Client for R (Version 2.1.1)Maintainer

2019 25
ghapps: Authenticate as a 'GitHub' App (Version 1.1.0)Maintainer

2022 0
gifski: Highest Quality GIF Encoder (Version 1.12.0-2)Maintainer

2018 40
gpg: GNU Privacy Guard for R (Version 1.2.9)Maintainer

2016 2
graphql: A GraphQL Query Parser (Version 1.5.1)Maintainer

2016 2
hellorust: Minimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2022 0
httpgd: A 'HTTP' Server Graphics Device (Version 2.0.2)Contributor

2021 1
httpuv: HTTP and WebSocket Server Library (Version 1.6.15)Contributor

2013 68
hunspell: High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker (Version 3.0.4)Maintainer

2016 13
ijtiff: Comprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF Files (Version 2.3.4)Contributor

2017 5
image.textlinedetector: Segment Images in Text Lines and Words (Version 0.2.3)Contributor

2020 0
jose: JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2016 13
jqr: Client for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor (Version 1.3.4)Maintainer

2016 8
js: Tools for Working with JavaScript in R (Version 1.2)Maintainer

2015 6
jsonld: JSON for Linking Data (Version 2.2)Maintainer

2016 6
jsonlite: A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R (Version 1.8.8)Maintainer

2013 1495
katex: Rendering Math to HTML, 'MathML', or R-Documentation Format (Version 1.4.1)Maintainer

2021 7
magick: Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R (Version 2.8.4)Maintainer

2016 176
maketools: Exploring and Testing the Toolchain and System Libraries (Version 1.3.0)Maintainer

2020 0
markdown: Render Markdown with 'commonmark' (Version 1.13)Contributor

2012 544
mongolite: Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R (Version 2.8.0)Maintainer

2015 13
nloptr: R Interface to NLopt (Version 2.1.1)Contributor

2011 151
nodbi: 'NoSQL' Database Connector (Version 0.10.6)Contributor

2018 2
opencpu: Producing and Reproducing Results (Version 2.2.13)Maintainer

2013 4
opencv: Bindings to 'OpenCV' Computer Vision Library (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2019 3
openssl: Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL (Version 2.2.1)Maintainer

2014 107
pak: Another Approach to Package Installation (Version 0.8.0)Contributor

2020 12
pbdZMQ: Programming with Big Data – Interface to 'ZeroMQ' (Version 0.3-12)Contributor

2015 2
pdftools: Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents (Version 3.4.0)Maintainer

2016 54
phylocomr: Interface to 'Phylocom' (Version 0.3.4)Contributor

2018 2
port4me: Get the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and over (Version 0.7.1)Contributor

2022 0
postdoc: Minimal and Uncluttered Package Documentation (Version 1.2.2)Maintainer

2022 0
prismjs: Server-Side Syntax Highlighting (Version 2.0.0)Maintainer

2022 1
protolite: Highly Optimized Protocol Buffer Serializers (Version 2.3.0)Maintainer

2016 5
qpdf: Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files (Version 1.3.3)Maintainer

2019 71
RAppArmor: Bindings to AppArmor and Security Related Linux Tools (Version 3.2.4)Maintainer

2012 0
RcppCWB: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB') (Version 0.6.4)Contributor

2018 1
rdataretriever: R Interface to the Data Retriever (Version 3.1.1)Contributor

2017 0
redland: RDF Library Bindings in R (Version 1.0.17-18)Contributor

2016 2
rgdal: Bindings for the "Geospatial" Data Abstraction Library (Version 1.6-7)Contributor

2003 95
rgee: R Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API (Version 1.1.7)Contributor

2021 3
rgl: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL (Version 1.3.1)Contributor

2004 347
rjade: A Clean, Whitespace-Sensitive Template Language for Writing HTML (Version 0.1.1)Maintainer

2015 0
RMariaDB: Database Interface and MariaDB Driver (Version 1.3.2)Contributor

2017 21
RMySQL: Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R (Version 0.10.28)Maintainer

2000 26
RPostgres: C++ Interface to PostgreSQL (Version 1.4.7)Contributor

2017 50
RProtoBuf: R Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3) (Version 0.4.22)Contributor

2010 8
RPublica: ProPublica API Client (Version 0.1.3)Contributor

2014 0
rsvg: Render SVG Images into PDF, PNG, (Encapsulated) PostScript, or Bitmap Arrays (Version 2.6.0)Maintainer

2016 67
rversions: Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel' (Version 2.1.2)Contributor

2015 3
rzmq: R Bindings for 'ZeroMQ' (Version 0.9.13)Maintainer

2011 0
s2: Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library (Version 1.1.7)Contributor

2016 20
sarsop: Approximate POMDP Planning Software (Version 0.6.15)Contributor

2020 1
sf: Simple Features for R (Version 1.0-17)Contributor

2016 942
sodium: A Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library (Version 1.3.1)Maintainer

2015 22
spelling: Tools for Spell Checking in R (Version 2.3.0)Maintainer

2017 883
ssh: Secure Shell (SSH) Client for R (Version 0.9.2)Maintainer

2018 12
sys: Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R (Version 3.4.2)Maintainer

2017 30
systemfonts: System Native Font Finding (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2019 22
tesseract: Open Source OCR Engine (Version 5.2.1)Maintainer

2016 6
tinkr: Cast '(R)Markdown' Files to 'XML' and Back Again (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2022 0
unigd: Universal Graphics Device (Version 0.1.2)Contributor

2024 1
unix: POSIX System Utilities (Version 1.5.8)Maintainer

2017 5
unrtf: Extract Text from Rich Text Format (RTF) Documents (Version 1.4.5)Maintainer

2017 0
V8: Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R (Version 5.0.0)Maintainer

2014 79
webp: A New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2015 7
webutils: Utility Functions for Developing Web Applications (Version 1.2.1)Maintainer

2014 5
writexl: Export Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format (Version 1.5.0)Maintainer

2017 78
x13binary: Provide the 'x13ashtml' Seasonal Adjustment Binary (Version 1.1.61)Contributor

2016 3
xml2: Parse XML (Version 1.3.6)Contributor

2015 603
xslt: Extensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations (Version 1.4.5)Maintainer

2017 8

Popular co-authors (contributions)

michael sumner(5) . maëlle salmon(4) . arne fitschen(1) . zhian n. kamvar(1) . twitter(1) . noam ross(3) . lionel henry(2) . other contributors(1) . ted goas(1) . matthew b. jones(1) . howard hinnant(1) . lewis van winkle(1) . jeffrey horner(3) . yeara kozlov(1) . cam webb (author of libphylocom (see authors(1) . ian cook(2) . joshua ulrich(1) . facebook(1) . wu qiusheng(1) . steven kembel (author of libphylocom (see authors(1) . ivan krylov(1) . david j harris(1) . jeffrey wong(1) . julien chiquet(1) . toph allen(1) . andreas blaette(1) . dewey dunnington(3) . jouni helske(1) . tomoaki nishiyama (code for encoding vectors into strings derived(1) . std::experimental::optional library)(1) . posit software(5) . ropensci(4) . jay berkenbilt(1) . the authors of shiny(1) . david hsu(1) . rory nolan(1) . files for details)),(1) . kun ren(3) . hadley wickham(10) . robert hijmans(1) . winston chang(2) . jelmer ypma(1) . pbc(6) . tony plate(1) . gábor csárdi(3) . adam strzelecki(1) . neal richardson(1) . kornel lesiński(1) . hanna kurniawati(1) . apache arrow(1) . oliver christ(1) . authors of the dependency rust crates
 . adam ryczkowski(1) . r core team (some functions(1) . mark otto(1) . michael lawrence(1) . xavier fernandez i marin(1) . matthieu decorde(1) . hiroaki yutani(1) . jim hester(5) . pranita sharma(1) . google(3) . https://github.com/openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/2272/),(1) . scott wolchok(1) . peter slaughter(1) . regents of the university of california(1) . scott chamberlain(5) . arfon smith(2) . eric brown(1) . kirill müller(5) . simon urbanek(2) . henrik bengtsson(4) . jacob thornton(1) . lloyd hilaiel(2) . nick wellnhofer(1) . nacho caballero(1) . david beckett(1) . rstudio(6) . libuv project contributors (libuv library(1) . inc(4) . r consortium(4) . christoph sax(1) . albrecht gebhardt(1) . usaid predict(1) . florian rupprecht(2) . duncan temple lang(2) . daniel mcglinn(1) . gennadii donchyts (gena reviewed the package for joss(1) . inc.(3) . håkon malmedal(1) . drew schmidt(1) . victor zverovich(1) . nic crane(1) . ivan sagalaev(1) . rich fitzjohn(2) . karthik ram(1) . stefan milton bache(1) . dave daeschler(1) . forbes lindesay(1) . whit armstrong (some functions are modified from the rzmq package(1) . src/libuv/authors file;(1) . romain francois(1) . yuan tang(1) . kurt hornik(1) . christian heckendorf(1) . kohske takahashi(1) . marius appel(1) . for details)),(1) . gabriel carrasco(1) . from the r source code),(1) . edzer pebesma(4) . other node contributors (libuv library(1) . anna krystalli(1) . david hugh-jones(1) . henry senyondo(1) . vrije universiteit brussel - digi: brussels platform for digital(1) . peter daengeli(1) . jeffrey hollister (hollister reviewed the package for joss(1) . will beasley(1) . sylvain loiseau(1) . brian ripley(2) . chris campbell(1) . kevin ushey(1) . spencer aiello(1) . yohann demont(1) . robert krzyzanowski(1) . jennifer bryan(1) . antony barja(1) . stephanie evert(1) . panagiotis cheilaris(1) . mike stein(1) . colin rundel(1) . tomas kalibera(1) . jan marvin garbuszus(1) . tomasz kamiński(1) . xiongtao dai(1) . hauke sonnenberg(2) . andrzej oles(1) . lea verou(1) . barret schloerke(2) . katrin leinweber(2) . hector corrada bravo(1) . joe cheng(3) . markus wamser(1) . r core team(1) . ascent digital services(1) . romain françois(1) . roger bivand(3) . daniel baston(1) . ben bolker(1) . bernard desgraupes(1) . marius bertram(1) . tim keitt(1) . thomas j. leeper(1) . sebastian meyer(2) . file),(1) . headers are copied or modified(1) . michael antonov
 . alexander senger(1) . philipp a.(1) . roy yali(1) . carl boettiger(4) . paul thompson(1) . damien miller(1) . wei-chen chen(1) . david james(2) . karolis koncevičius(1) . bruno maximilian schulze(1) . michel lang(1) . hao ye(1) . sergi padilla-parra(1) . michel berkelaar(1) . oliver keyes(1) . devon govett(1) . michael rustler(2) . gergely daróczi(1) . see(2) . samapriya roy(1) . avraham adler(1) . thomas lin pedersen(3) . yihui xie(2) . antoine stevens(1) . niels provos(1) . doug kelkhoff(1) . dropbox(1) . etienne racine(1) . jj allaire(2) . milad memarzadeh(1) . ole christian eidheim(1) . brodie gaslam(1) . saikat debroy(2) . see src/libuv/authors(1) . ardata(1) . posit(2) . javier luraschi(1) . elliott sales de andrade(1) . the authors of knitr(1) . john macfarlane(1) . barry rowlingson(1) . murray stokely(1) . thomas leeper(1) . qin wang(1) . gabor csardi(1) . florian dang(1) . mariaelena adauto(1) . authors of libhunspell
 . jonathan keane(1) . thomas kluyver(1) . saverio meucci(1) . mongodb(1) . daniel adler(1) . steve peak(1) . karl forner(1) . max pohlman(1) . google inc(1) . steven g. johnson(1) . andrzej krzemienski(1) . kirill sevastyanenko(1) . copyright files(1) . oleg nenadic(1) . andrzej krzemienski (author of included(1) . rich geldreich(1) . adri van os(1) . tino weinkauf(1) . free software foundation(1) . even rouault(1) . david gohel(2) . david ackerly (author of libphylocom (see authors(1) . giampaolo rodola(1) . george helffrich(1) . harald scheidl(1) . richard iannone(1) . kuba podgórski(1) . harshit bansal(1) . brett robinson(1) . sebastian kreutzer(2) . aymeric stamm(1) . copyright(2) . cesar aybar(1) . adrian colomitchi(1) . dirk eddelbuettel(4) . apoorva pandey(1) . humanities(1) . files for details))
 . pbc fnd(1) . francisco rodríguez-sánchez ooms(1) . robin lovelace(1) . paul andrey(1) . tim appelhans(1) . lpsolve authors(1) . inc
 . arthur flôr(1) . frank warmerdam(1) . http-parser library(1) . cre(1) . hans w. borchers(1) . tatsuya shima(1) . robert flight(1) . zeromq authors(1) . bootstrap contributors(1) . vaudor lise(1) . jon clayden(2) . salim brüggemann(1) . dragoș moldovan-grünfeld(1) . yixuan qiu(3) . duncan murdoch(1) . joyent(1) . karl dunkle werner(1) . s. christian collins(1) . jan wijffels(2) . ralf herold(1) . shawn taylor(1) . t jake luciani(1) . ben raymond(1) . r foundation(1) . whit armstrong(1) . dirk sites(1) . ken williams(1) . kent johnson(1) . john mcnamara (author of libxlsxwriter (see authors(1) . for backwards compatibility),(1) . jacob wujciak-jens(1) . khan academy(1) . willem ligtenberg(1) . adam november(1) . ming chen(1) . lesly bautista(1) . michael schubert(1) . thierry onkelinx(1) . university of bristol(1) . the r core team(1) . ege rubak(1) . ecohealth alliance(1) . ethan white(1) . jay loden(1) . george ostrouchov(1) . from rpostgresql)(1) . dan baston(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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